U10 Jamboree - September 28, 2024

Marshfield High School

Marshfield, MA



  • Teams will be placed into groups of 4
  • Teams will be leveled as "A", "B" & "C".
  • Teams will play games on side-by-side fields
  • Games will have a 45 minute window to be played
  • Teams will require matching uniforms
  • Rosters are not required
  • All players must be from the same association


  • 30 Minute Games
  • Two-15 Minute Halves
  • One Minute Half Time
  • No results recorded
  • All game clocks will start based on blow horn


  • 8:00 AM
  • 11:15 AM
  • 1:30 PM
  • 4:00 PM


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a. Player equipment must include a jersey (with a unique number), shorts, socks, and suitable footwear (front stud/cleat is deemed dangerous and not permissible). Metal cleats are not permitted. All shirts must have clearly legible numbers on back (or the original number must be clearly visible through the pinnie) with no duplicate numbers. Players will be allowed to wear sweat clothes under their uniforms only if sweat clothes match the colors submitted to league.

b. Shin guards are mandatory safety equipment to be always worn while on the field.

c. A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous. This includes all jewelry (i.e. earrings, finger rings, barrettes of any type, wrist watches, wrist chains, neck chains, rubber bands, etc.). Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted – specifically earrings.

d. CYSL recognizes that there may be items that a player and their family deem necessary to wear, even during soccer activities, for medical, religious, or culture reasons that may be exempt for those reasons. As these items may be a safety concern, they need to be properly secured and protected. Players may not be allowed to play wearing these items if the opinion of the referee that they remain dangerous.

e. Players with plaster/fiberglass casts or hard splints (even if padded), cannot play – even with the permission of a parent or medical approval. 



b. Teams must have coaches that have completed the Mass Youth Credentials requirements to be awarded a lanyard at all games in the fall and spring. The lanyard is an indication that the coach is registered and has completed all required CORI and adult registration training requirements. All team officials on the team sideline during the game must display by wearing their credentials during the game.


a. Substitutions may be made at the following times with permission of the referee:

  • On a throw-in, the team with possession may substitute unlimited, and if they choose to sub, then the defending team may substitute players.
  • After a goal, prior to a goal kick, prior to the start of the 2nd half by either team.
  • If an injured player(s) is substituted, then the opposing team may sub on a 1 for 1 basis.
  • Any player who is bleeding must be substituted immediately and may return only when bandaged. 

b. Substitute players waiting to enter the game should wait on their own half of the field at the midfield line.  All substituted players must enter and exit the field at the halfway line between the technical areas.


a. In a match designated as no heading, if in the opinion of the referee, a player deliberately heads or attempts to head the ball, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team.

b. Slide tackling follows IFAB rules.  It is a legal move but discouraged at the younger ages as it is extremely difficult to do without fouling the opponent until mastering body control.  Often, the slide tackle will be deemed dangerous by the referee and will draw sanctions.

c. A player receiving a Yellow Card must be substituted but may reenter the game. If the player’s team has no substitutes, his/her team will play short-handed until the next substitution opportunity. This rule is not intended to cause a game forfeit, if the yellow-carded team falls below the minimum number of players, the game will continue.



An indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team when, a goalkeeper handles the ball within his/her penalty area and throws, punts, or kicks the ball across midfield without making contact with the goalkeepers’ side of the field or being touched by any player on that side of the field. If a goalkeeper dribbles the ball outside the penalty area or does not play the ball with the hands, then the kick may cross the midfield.


An indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team when a goalkeeper and/or field player, when making a goal kick, kicks the ball across midfield without making contact with his/her side of the field or being touched by any player on that side of the field. In both cases, the indirect free kick will be taken at the point of the midfield line where the ball crossed.

The opposing team must move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play.  The goal kick cannot go directly beyond the midfield line. The penalty for kicking the ball directly beyond the midfield line is an indirect free kick awarded to the opposing team at the point of the midfield line where the ball crossed.


 All players in U10 age groups shall not engage in heading in either games or practices.   An indirect kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player, in the opinion of the referee, deliberately heads or attempts to head the ball at the point of the infraction. 

If, in the opinion of the referee, a deliberate head ball or attempt to head the ball occurs in the penalty area, the indirect free kick will be taken on the top edge of the penalty area parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurs.

If, in the opinion of the referee, a player does not deliberately head or attempt to head the ball, then play should continue.  


When the goalie has the ball in their hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play.  Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalie can resume distribution in accordance with these game rules.  Ideally, the goalkeeper will wait until the opposing team has retreated to put the ball into play but has the option to do so sooner.  If the goalie does not wait, they accept the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play develops.   After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal.

The opposing team must also move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is in play.  Limitations on the goal kick as specified in these game rules apply. 

The ball is considered “in play” in accordance with IFAB rules.  There are no modifications because of the build out line.


Conform to IFAB with the following exception: Opponents must be 8 yards away before kick is allowed.



The coach is responsible for ensuring all spectators associated with their team follow this Zero Tolerance Policy relating to communications with an Official. A coach or spectator may not express any disagreement or dissatisfaction whatsoever with the officiating to any Official, directly or indirectly. A coach or spectator may not, before, during, or after a match, discuss with, or voice within earshot of, an Official any critique of the Official's performance, other than to thank and positively compliment the Official. Any other critiques may only be voiced or communicated through the appropriate league’s reporting channels.

Coaches shall not interact directly or indirectly with the coaches or players of the opposing team during the match in any manner that may be construed as negative, hostile, or sarcastic either by way of demonstrative actions and gestures or by ill-intentioned remarks.

Coaches shall not offer dissent to any call made by the Officials at any time.

Coaches are not to address the Officials during the match except to:

  1. Respond to an Official who has initiated a conversation.
  2. Point out emergency or safety issues.
  3. Make substitutions.
  4. Ask the Officials, “What is the type of restart (direction and Indirect Free Kick or Direct Free Kick)?” on a limited basis (ie not every stoppage).
  5. Ask for the time remaining in the half.


No parent, guardian or spectator shall address the Officials at any time. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Parents, guardians and spectators shall not dispute calls during or after the match.
  2. Parents, guardians and spectators shall not make remarks to the Official(s) or advise the Officials(s) to watch certain players or attend to rough play.
  3. Parents, guardians and spectators shall never yell at the Official(s), including criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation or feedback of any kind before, during or after the match.

The only allowable exceptions to the above are:

  1. Parents, guardians and spectators may only respond to an Official who has initiated a conversation, until such time as the Official terminates the conversation.
  2. Parents, guardians and spectators may point out an emergency or safety issues, such as a player apparently injured on the field or observed fighting.
  3. Parents, guardians and spectators may compliment the Official after the match.

Additionally, parents, guardians and spectators shall not make derogatory comments to coaches, players, or spectators of either team.


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